Rajiv Gandhi assassination case convict gets document to return to Sri Lanka

Rajiv Gandhi assassination case convict gets document to return to Sri Lanka TIRUCHY, Feb 24 (The Indian Express) -  The Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO) of the Union Ministry of External Affairs has issued an emergency travel document for Santhan, one of the freed convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, facilitating his immediate deportation to Sri Lanka. Santhan, who is currently lodged in the special camp at the Tiruchy central prison, will be escorted by officials to the international airport in Tiruchy.

Acting on a request from Santhan, the Sri Lankan Deputy High Commission earlier issued a temporary travel document to him and now the FRRO has given an exit permit.

“Once Santhan books the ticket, he will be deported. Instructions have been given to the district administration to escort him until the airport,” Collector M Pradeep Kumar told TNIE.

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