Ravi urges action against ASG Kodagoda, media

UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake today requested Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to take action against Additional Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda and the media for making false allegations against him and thus violating his parliamentary privileges.

Raising this matter of privilege, he said he had nothing to do with the alleged death threats on the penthouse owner Anika Wijesuriya.

“A complaint was made by Ms. Wijesuriya's brother Victor Wijesuriya who had initially complained to the police while ASG Yasantha Kodagoda submitted a copy of that complaint to the Bond Commission on October 17.

Wide publicity was given to this incident in the media, but I have nothing to do with it," the MP said.

"According to the report, Ms. Wijesuriya has been threatened with death by Shanil Neththikumara, who was described as a relative of mine. However, I have no such relative and if it is proven that Neththikumara is a relative of mine I will resign from Parliament. I wonder how Mr. Kodagoda knew about a relative of mine whom I myself do not know about."

He said Ms. Wijesuriya had actually gone on a visit to Bali and had returned to Sri Lanka, after which she had attended to some matters pertaining to her family property. She had then left for Britain.

The MP said he had handed over a letter to the Bond Commission's Secretary on this matter and faulted him for not submitting it to the commission.

“Even the judges in the Commission are confused with the activities of the Commission's officers. He therefore asked how the officers talk about a verdict even before it is given. The MP also blamed the Attorney General’s Department on their failure to conduct a proper investigation on this issue. (Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwadana)

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