SL close to regaining GSP+ facility: EC

Sri Lanka has come very close to regaining the GSP plus facility which the country lost in 2010, European Council (EC) President Donland Tusk said on Monday when he met visiting Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

A statement from the Prime Minister’s office said Mr. Tusk had informed Mr. Wickremesinghe that the European Council was happy about Sri Lanka moving out of anarchy, dictatorship and ensuring good governance. Against this backdrop the EC Chief told the Sri Lankan Prime Minister that he would support the granting of the GSP plus facility to Sri Lanka

Mr. Tusk in his twitter message said EU was looking forward to strengthening bilateral and trade ties with Sri Lanka and would fully back the country on improving good governance and reconciliation.

The statement from the Prime Minister’s office said Mr Tusk has accepted an invitation extended to him by the Prime Minister to visit Sri Lanka and that he would do so next year.

Mr. Tusk is also reported to have told the Prime Minister to focus on stopping illegal immigrants from leaving to Europe. The Premier had informed him that a task force to prevent illegal immigrants would be set up shortly and that it would be set up with the involvement of several ministries including Law and Order, Resettlement, Justice, Department of Emigration and Immigration and the European Commission. (Yohan Perera)

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