SLC doesn’t know Cricket- Arjuna

While admitting that he wouldn’t have accepted the consulting role to Cricket Australia former Sri Lankan Cricket Captain Arjuna Ranathunga said that Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) is to blame for eliminating coaching opportunities to locals, compelling them to find employment overseas.

“If I was Murali I wouldn’t have accepted the job. However, this issue has different sides and it must be looked at wholly” he said.

Ranathunga addressing the media at the Grand Oriental Hotel regarding the current situation of Cricket in Sri Lanka,said that the employment by Cricket Australia is clear vindication of Muralitharans innocence.

“ It was the Australian Cricket Board which hammered Murali and called him everything that was despicable. The very fact that they have employed him is clear vindication of our position, that we were right all along about his innocence and our fight” he said.

He however asserted that, it was Sri Lanka Cricket to blame for eliminating all former players who were coaches, and retained only those who were servile to the administration.

“ Following the recent elections, the administrators have taken off all former world cup winning players from their coaching roles. Chaminda Vaas, Upul Chandana, Eric Upashantha, Ravindra Pushpakumara and even the Chairman of the Selection Committee Sanath Jayasuriya were all removed. They have only kept those who are servile to them” he said.

Taking swipes at his rival the current President of Sri Lanka Cricket Thilanga Sumathipala, Ranathunga said the current administration does not understand the sport.

“ These people don’t know anything about Cricket, which is why even people like Mahela who coached England had to do that. He also faced the same issue. Fact is that they are not being given an opportunity here and therefore they have to go overseas to pursue their profession” he said.

He further iterated that the cricket team needs to be mentored and coached by locals.
“ We need local coaches and we should make as much use as possible from our former players” he said.


Video by Chamilka

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