Spanish police detain seven people for child pornography

Spanish Civil Guards have arrested seven people for forming part of a network accused of distributing in the world over a million photos or videos containing pornographic images of children from several countries including Sri Lanka.

The Civil Guards who were working with the Catalan police, the Mossos d'Esquadra, said the network took images of around 80 minors, 29 of whom have now been identified.

The police also report that the suspected chief of the group is among those arrested and he has also been accused of eight cases of sexual abuse against minors aged below 13.

The majority of the images were produced by the network through the sexual exploitation of minors in Barcelona, Tortosa (to the south of Barcelona), Valencia and Morocco, while they also distributed images from countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, the Czech Republic, Kenya and France during a period from 2010 to 2015.

The police also believe the network was looking to organize trips to Morocco with a holiday package aimed at pedophiles. (Xinhua)


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