Sri Lanka indebted to India: Harin

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana

Colombo, Feb 21 (Daily Mirror) - Justifying the recent remark he had made in Mumbai that Sri Lanka is a part of India, Minister of Tourism and Lands Harin Fernando told Parliament today that Sri Lanka is indebted to the South Asian giant.

“Sri Lanka is indebted to India. India has come forward to help Sri Lanka during the recent difficult times. We have to be grateful to India for sending more and more tourists to Sri Lanka. India has also begun setting up its first overseas hotel in front of Galle face Hotel Colombo. Those who criticize me want to prevent investments such as this,” the Minister said whilst highlighting that India has been a brother to Sri Lanka.

“India and Sri Lanka are traditionally connected. Take the story of Rama and Seetha, Arahath Mahinda came from India and so did Vijaya, Sri Lankan music and film industry are also connected to India,” he said justifying his earlier comment.

“Let anyone accuse me of violating the Constitution and take me to court. I am willing to defend myself before the judiciary,” he also said.

At the same time the Minister alleged that the 15 minute speech he had made at a road show in Mumbai was edited and distorted. 

“Editing and distorting a statement is common in the social and electronic media. This is the reason why Sri Lanka needs the Online Safety Bill today,” he stressed.


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