30 State, Private importers to get Green Channel at Customs

The Sri Lanka Customs Department would facilitate thirty Government and private sector institutes to clear their imports without checking, Customs Spokesman Dharmasena Kahandawa said.

He said that the Customs Director General Chulananda Perera had made the decision in order to ease the clearance process and provide the facility to regular importers.

The decision was made following several meetings held earlier this week with the Customs higher management and the Customs Director General.

The meeting was also held with the importers during the previous week, where the facility was discussed and t he measures to obtain the facility were explained.

The facility would only be provided to regular importers, who do not have any black marks in their records through the Green Channel facility.

“We will look into the past records of the importers and only those who have no black marks in their records will be provided the facility,” he said.

However, the imports would be randomly scanned even though they were allowed the facility, he said.

“If those who are provided the facility are caught with illegal items, the Customs Department will not only check the entire stock of goods but would also take legal action and black list the said company,” he said.

“This will allow other importers to work towards import only legally permitted products,” Mr.Dharmasena said. (Chaturanga Pradeep)

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