TNA says its support was conditional

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said today that its support for the vote of confidence on United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe was conditional to the granting of power devolution to the north and the east, the release of political prisoners and the land.

TNA MP for Jaffna district Dharmalingam Sidaththan told Daily Mirror that his party extended conditional support for Mr. Wickremesinghe to get the required majority to become the Prime Minister.

Mr. Sidaththan said these were usual demands of the TNA right throughout.

“We asked for power devolution. It means the constitution making process should continue,” he said.

Also, he said there were lands to be released in the north.

“It is not only the lands held by the military but also the private lands earmarked by the archaeological authorities. Besides, there are private lands held by authorities as national parks. All land issues should be addressed,” he said.

He said the TNA put forward a condition that all development work in the north should be coordinated with his party.(Kelum Bandara)

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