Thondaman faults police

Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) leader Arumugam Thondaman MP had gone to the Dimbula Police Station gate on Saturday and reproached an officer on duty.

Mr. Thondaman, a former minister, had been incensed by a police request to a Hindu priest to present himself at the station to inquire into a complaint against him.

Mr. Thondaman had gone near the gate of the police station and sent a provincial council member to the station to call the OIC out. The OIC had gone for a meeting with another senior officer. However, a sub-inspector had gone out to meet him.

Mr. Thondaman had admonished the police officer saying that it was wrong to summon a member of the clergy to the station. He had said the president and the prime minister were not called to the station whenever there was a complaint against them.

The sub-inspector had agreed to go to the priest and record his statement. Mr. Thondaman had then left.(Ranjithj Rajapakse)

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