Trump on course for victory     Follow

Republican's candidate Donald Trump leads the US presidential election after securing 264 electoral against 215 electoral won by Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s Republic party has already taken control of the US House of representatives with 227 seats. In the US senate, the Republicans are leading with 49 votes against 47 votes of Democrats.

According to BBC, Trump has won Florida, Ohio, Iowa and North Carolina, while Clinton took Virginia and Nevada. New Hampshire, Michigan and Wisconsin, considered as Clinton stronghold, are deadlocked, too.

Trump's Ohio win was a big boost to him, as no Republican has ever taken the White House without winning the Midwestern bellwether. Iowa last voted for a Republican in 2004.

Clinton supporters were seen crying and staring stony-faced at the big screens showing election results.

Foreign media further said two top Democrats in Wisconsin had told they have scoured precincts across the state "and see nothing to turn this around."

“At this hour, we know very little about what Clinton herself is doing. She is with her husband and daughter, one aide said, and only a handful of aides in another room. She's been watching the returns and top aides have briefed her on the uphill climb across the Rust Belt. She's also been preparing her speech -- and one aide says there seems little reason she wouldn't give it tonight, but nothing will happen until the path is "completely closed,” they said.

"There will be plenty of time for finger pointing, but none tonight," a senior Democrat close to the campaign said.

Meanwhile, the New York Times said the reaction to the prospect of a Trump presidency rippled across the globe, with financial markets abroad falling as American television networks raised the prospect that Clinton might lose.

Asian markets were trading sharply lower, down around two percentage points.  Meanwhile, the US dollar and Mexican peso had plummeted.

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