Underage girl overplays love

As the extensive damage and loss of life caused by the Aranayake landslide made national headlines, another shocking story has emerged from the area involving an underage girl who had eloped twice with two young lovers within a span of two weeks and being sexually abused by both of them.

The underage girl’s two young boy friends aged 16 and 19 who had eloped with her were remanded after being arrested by the police.

The 14-year-old girl had initially eloped with her 16-year-old boy friend on May 22, but they were later found by the police in the Eppawela area.

The boy was taken into custody and remanded till May 31 over charges of abusing an underage girl.

The Judicial Medical examination had found that the girl had been sexually abused by the boy.

Within two weeks after the first lover was remanded, the girl had again eloped with another boy with whom she had also had a love affair. Police later found the girl with this 19-year old boy at a roadside in the Thabarawa area and arrested the boy.

The second judicial medical examination had revealed that the girl had also been sexually abused by the ‘second’ boy who was remanded till June 7 by the Mawanella Magistrate. (Saman Wijaya Bandara- Aranayake)

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