Velukumar resigns, Senasinghe appointed to COPE

Amidst the investigations into the Central Bank bond scam, the Kandy District United National Party (UNP) MP M. Velukumar resigned from the parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) today making way for the appointment of Deputy Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe.

However, Mr. Velukumara said he resigned because he had to attend to other parliamentary work.

Mr. Senasinghe told Daily Mirror that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe nominated him to represent the UNP in the COPE .

“I had been informed by the Prime Minister that he had been nominated me mainly because of my involvement in the anti-corruption drive,” he said.

Mr. Senasinghe is the only member to serve in both oversight committees -- COPE and the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

COPE is currently investigating the sale of CB bonds and is expected to summon officials of the Central Bank in connection with the investigations. COPE has also received the Auditor General’s report on the controversial matter. (Kelum Bandara and Yohan Perera)

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