Wimal against convening of Constitutional Assembly at short notice

Joint Opposition MP Wimal Weerawansa said today it was a violation of Standing Orders and the agreement reached by the House to convene the Constitutional Assembly tomorrow with just one day's prior notice.

He told Parliament that it was decided by the House previously that three-day prior notice should be given before convening the Constitutional Assembly.

MP Dinesh Gunawardane, who validated Mr. Weerawansa's argument, said the Constitutional Assembly should be convened according to standing orders and added that it cannot be done hastily.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe responded, saying the Constitutional Assembly was convened on Friday following the agreement reached at the party leaders meeting.

"This is not a new trend. Constitutional Assembly has been convened on earlier occasions within short notice following the agreement by the party leaders and the House," he said.(Ajith Siriwardana and Yohan Perera)

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