Worst-performing health minister stripped from Cabinet post; gets a new portfolio

*Daily Mirror exclusively reported last week the planned decision by the President 

In the midst of brewing crisis in the health sector riddled with corruption, administrative lapses and the influx of inferior quality drugs, President Ranil Wickremesinghe removed Keheliya Rambukwella dubbed as the worst performing health minister from his Cabinet post today and appointed him as the Environment Minister instead.

Daily Mirror exclusively reported last week that the President would effect major changes including the removal of Rambukwella upon his return from his official visit to China.

For months, the President remained under pressure from various quarters to strip Rambukwella from his post as the Health Minister.

The health sector ran into an unprecedented crisis during his tenure with the hospital sector running even short of essential items. Alarmingly, the import of low quality drugs, apparently through dubious deals, led to the death of several patients within a short period. 

The main opposition even moved a no -confidence motion against him but he survived it.

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