Arjuna resigns from SF’s party

Parliamentarian Arjuna Ranatunga has resigned from the Democratic Party, led by Sarath Fonseka today. Meanwhile Tiran Alles also confirmed that he tendered his resignation as the secretary of the party in September.
 Speaking to Daily Mirror online MP Arjuna Ranathunga who was the Deputy Leader of the party said that he will continue to be a member of the Democratic National Alliance- and function as an MP of the party.

“I’ve resigned only from the Democratic Party and not from the DNA. I have always been a supporter of a common opposition and this doesn’t seem feasible with the way things are working” he said.

When queried as to the reason behind the resignation Ranathunga reiterated his stance of a common opposition and the failure of the Democratic Party to lead the formation of it.

“There is no point continuing to work because there seems to be no comprehensive plan or intention to rally all forces against this regime.  I have always been of the belief that the UNP, JVP and all other parties should come under one platform and I don’t see any point in having a couple of UNPers joining us, when the calling is for a much wider and comprehensive platform” he said.

Meanwhile MP Tiran Alles said that the speculation in September regarding his resignation from the post of secretary was true.

“ I never confirmed it to the media at the time, but I resigned from the post in September” he said. ( By Hafeel Farisz)

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