Australia criticised over SL vote

Human Rights Watch has criticised the Federal Government for waiting until the last minute to endorse a UN Human Rights Council resolution calling for a war crimes investigation in Sri Lanka.

The US-sponsored resolution, which passed on Thursday night, says the Sri Lankan government should conduct independent investigations into violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law during the country’s 30-year civil war.

Of the 47-member UN forum, 25 countries voted in favour, 13 against, eight countries abstained and one was absent.

Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth said Australia endorsed the resolution reluctantly, and at the last minute, because of concerns it would offend the ruling Rajapaksa brothers.

"It is pretty clear Australia's policy toward Sri Lanka is the asylum seeker tail wagging the bilateral dog," he said.

"And it's pretty clear that Australia's policy is entirely set by its determination to stem the flow of boat people, mostly Tamils, from Sri Lanka."(ABC/Reuters)

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