Video: BBS planning to re-launch Halal campaign

Reacting to a statement by the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) that it would stop issuing Halal certificates, the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organisation said today that though they respect the right of Muslims to consume Halal products it should not be enforced on others.

 BBS General Secretary Ven. Galagodaathe Ganasara Thera told a news conference that they had no objection with the Halal logo being used on export products through the Sri Lankan Standards Institution (SLS), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or through the Chamber of Commerce instead of those powers being vested in a company or on any other religious organisation.

The BBS said it was planning to re-launch the campaign against the enforcement of Halal products on those belonging to other religions.  

 “This new move by the ACJU proves that so far they have hoodwinked the public and the authorities as we believe that this new ‘unidentified company’ to be another part of the ACJU dressed in a different garb. So we are going to intervene in this matter.

Although Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa assured that Halal products would not be enforced on others, practically this scheme has failed and we believe that the Defence Ministry has been misled by the ACJU,” the Thera said.  
He said the ACJU was trying to create separatism while implementing the Shariya law in Sri Lanka through the Halal certification process. (Jayashika Padmasiri & Ajith Siriwardana)

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