Video: Casinos operate with Government’s blessings: Ranil

UNP National leader Ranil Wickremesinghe said today Sri Lanka received Buddhism and a rich culture with the advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera, but now we have received casinos and ethanol detrimental to the nation.

“With the advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera we received Buddhism and a rich culture and spiritual values based on Buddhism. But this regime supports drugs, Ethanol and casinos which will ruin the rich culture and spiritual values inherited from the advent of Arahat Mahinda Thera. So far these values were upheld with the blessings of the past leaders,” Mr. Wikremesinghe said.

Mr. Wikremesinghe said at the “Campaign against Casinos” held at the Maharagama Vipashyarama Temple under the guidance of Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera that if the Government took action against this drug, ethanol and casinos by establishing an Independent Police Commission, Judiciary System and Attorney General’s Department, they would help the government despite political differences.

“When we protested against this the Government said the other countries also have these things, but here it is done by the Government politicians. In those countries, they caught drug traffickers but here it is the government that does it. It is only in Sri Lanka that the casinos are operating with the blessings of the Government,” he said.(Ajith Siriwardana and Muditha Dayananda)

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