Chinese tourists advised to be cautious in Sri Lanka

Chinese tourists traveling in Sri Lanka have been urged to remain cautious due to various accidents in the island nation.

In recent years, China has become the second largest source of visitors to Sri Lanka, but Chinese tourists arriving in the country have faced a lot of inconvenience and problems., Xinhua reported.

According to statistics, in the first seven months of the year, there were 46 tourist accidents registered in the Chinese Embassy, including three cases of drowning which had led to two deaths.

More than 30 cases of theft, one rape case, one snake bite case, two tourists falling off the train and three cases of tourists being blocked at the Immigration were also reported. In addition, some Chinese tourists have also been suspected of jewelry theft and had not been allowed to go back to China.

In March, two robberies of Chinese tourists had been reported in Colombo, which left one tourist injured and hospitalized.

Chinese authorities in Sri Lanka have called on Chinese tourists to observe local tourism rules, understand local regulations and customs, and enhance their awareness of local food, lodging, transportation, sightseeing and shopping to ensure a safe journey in the country.

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