Conspiracy to kill me- Mangala

Following a complaint by UNP MP Mangala Samaraweera about a plot to assassinate him,Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa ordered the IGP to provide security to all MPs in an impartial manner.

MP Samaraweera raised a question of privilege in the House complaining that two underworld figures called ‘Chakku and Kota Gamini’ had been hired to murder him in the run up to the Commonwealth Head of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in November.  He said the State Intelligence Service (SIS) had received information about such a plot.

Mr. Samaraweera said the murder had been planned at a sensitive time ahead of the CHOGM so that the blame on the incident could easily be blamed on a faction of the UNP.  However, he confronted the Speaker for the omission of a certain paragraph from the original draft of the question of privilege.

 “It is the most important part of my statement. It has been censored. It is atrocious,” he said.
The Speaker said an MP could not make allegations in the House on anyone based on unfounded information.

 “That is the reason for the omission of this part,” he said.

Despite the Speaker’s stand, Mr. Samaraweera tried to read out the controversial part, but it was not entertained.  Besides, Speaker Rajapaksa said he would not breach the trust kept in him by the UNP MP.

 “Both of us entered Parliament together at that time. I will not breach the trust you placed on me. I will look into the security aspect.  I hereby order the IGP to provide equal security to all the MPs,” he said.(KB & YP)

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