Sri Lanka receives unaltered video

By Gandhya Senanayake

The Defence Ministry today received the unaltered video used to create the Channel4 documentary on Sri Lanka, Army Spokesman Major General Ubaya Madawela told Daily Mirror online

The video which was obtained from England was shown on a private media station this evening, Major General Madawela said. (Daily Mirror online)

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Video obtained by Daily Mirror reportedly shows the unaltered version of the footage aired by Channel 4 on war crimes that had allegedly taken place in Sri Lanka. Channel 4 reported the individuals appearing in the video to be Sri Lanka Army soldiers speaking in Sinhalese whereas the recently obtained footage depicts bound individuals being shot point blank by men clad in uniforms similar to the army, while chatter is heard in Tamil.

The Defense Ministry yesterday confirmed that it has received the unaltered video of the footage that was aired in Channel 4. (Daily Mirror online)

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