Developing nations expressed their confidence

Developing countries expressed their confidence for the efforts made by Sri Lanka towards achieving national reconciliation and commended its level of cooperation with the UN at the today's session in Geneva.

“They clearly highlighted that the report A/HRC/22/38 was tabled today(20 March 2012)at the UN Human Rights Council under the agenda item 2 by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) was unwarranted and a clear overstepping of its mandate.They also underlined that the report of the OHCHR has no nexus to the principle objectives of the US sponsored resolution 19/2 of March 2012, and therefore, any further initiatives in the Council, based on or emanating from this report are counterproductive,” the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN in Geneva said in a statement.

The Delegation of the Russian Federation, while making a joint statement on behalf of 14 countries: Belarus, China, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Kenya, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Sudan, Uganda, Venezuela and Zimbabwe stated that “ We note that the objective of the resolution 19/2 was to mandate the OHCHR to provide, in consultation with and with the concurrence of the Government of Sri Lanka, advise and technical assistance on implementing the said resolution ; and to request OHCHR to present a report to the Council on the provision of such assistance.

The Russian Federation also said “… the above was mandated clearly within the context of the implementation of Sri Lanka’s domestic reconciliation process. Considering the above, we are of the view that the report A/HRC/22/38, the High Commissioner has exceeded her mandate of reporting on the provision of assistance, by making substantive recommendations and pronouncements.

The Delegation of China said it welcomes the efforts made by Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations of the LLRC and to formulate a National Plan of Action.  “We commend the government for the great progress being made by resettling the IDPs, enhancing infra structure development, and improving people’s lives.  We support Sri Lanka as a country that achieving the national reconciliation by promoting human rights.  The report of the OHCHR has failed to reflect these positives, to which china express concerns.  China commends Sri Lanka for its efforts to have enhanced cooperation with the UNHRC by received a visit from the OHCHR and actively engaged with the UPR mechanism and implementing the accepted recommendations. Sri Lanka faces domestic reconciliation, peace consolidation and development. China calls on the international community to support the Government these efforts in reconstruction, reconciliation and to provide time and space. China calls on the OHCHR and the relevant parties to abide by the mandates hold by the resolutions and to provide with the consultation of the government of Sri Lanka to provide with constructive assistance”.

Among other nations, those who praised the Sri Lanka’s efforts towards achieving national reconciliation were, Thailand, Venezuela, Cuba, Belarus, Myanmar and Vietnam.

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