Video: Domestic mechanism a big lie: Wimal

National Freedom Front (NFF) leader Wimal Weerawansa today challenged the government to prove that the unanimously adopted UNHRC resolution did not contain a proposal for the setting up of a hybrid court as claimed by the government.

He said it was a big lie to describe the proposed investigative process as a domestic mechanism because the resolution clearly mentioned that foreign experts comprising investigators and judges would be involved in this mechanism.

“Even though the word ‘hybrid’ has been removed in the adopted resolution, the mechanism proposed remains the same. Participation of foreign experts including investigators and judges has clearly been mentioned in the resolution. It is better to describe it as a foreign judiciary than to say a domestic mechanism,” Mr. Weerawansa said.

He said the foreign experts were expected to arrive in the country to question the heads of the security forces and to punish those who were responsible for giving orders.

Mr. Weerawansa said the government had prevented the media from revealing the truth behind this investigation process and was influencing the media heads to project it as a domestic mechanism.

 “We ask Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe not to mislead the people by hiding the truth. He should apologize to the people for telling lies. If they are not afraid of this, why are they trying to hide it,” he asked.

Mr. Weerawansa said they would not allow the government to conceal this huge betrayal despite its attempts to do so.(Ajith Siriwardana)


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