Drag racers beware

Drag racing has again been reported in several roads in Colombo in the night as the security restrictions have been relaxed and the police vows to take action against those engaging in this dangerous sport that poses a threat to road users.

Police media spokesman Prishantha Jayakody said that if anyone wants to have races in the roads they should take permission from the city traffic police but would not give clearance for such activities to be taken in roads which are extensively used by the public.

The police have now taken steps to increase patrolling in the Marine Drive in the night where drag racing had been reported in the recent past.

“These races cause accidents and put the public as those who engage in them in danger. We will take tough action against any individuals engaged in drag racing as our priority is to protect and ensure the safety of the public”, he said.
“There are places where you can go for a race but permission from the police is required to conduct such races. The police are aware of these activities and the public can complain to any police station or call the police emergency or 119 if they are disturbed or harmed by such races”, he said.

The police had received several complaints recently about drag racing on the Marine Drive and they were able to arrest six youths in the Bambalapitiya area. A fine of Rs.3500 had been imposed on each of the arrested individuals for reckless driving in public roads.

The Bambalapitiya police had also taken four motorbikes and two cars into their custody. These suspects had caused disturbance to residents and drivers by exceeding 150 kilometers per hour during the last weekend on the Marine Drive. (Supun Dias)

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