Engage with civil society more meaningfully: US to SL

While claiming that more needs to be done on reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka, the US said today the Sri Lankan government should engage with civil society in a more consultative manner.

“The US and the international community recognise progress in infrastructure, demining and IDPs but note that more needs to be done on reconciliation and accountability,” US Ambassador Michele J. Sisson said in a Twitter interview today.

She said LLRC recommendations are positive but as Sri Lanka told the UNHRC session in Geneva, the Sri Lankan government had only addressed selected recommendations.

Ms. Sisson urged the government to conduct independent and credible investigations into alleged human rights violations by all sides.

Commenting on the arrest of former Colombo Mayor Azath Salley, she said, “We urge the Sri Lankan Government to ensure Mr. Salley has access to his attorneys and that rule of law and due processes are protected.”

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