Video: Entire city under CCTV for Pope: Police

A special security plan is to be implemented before the arrival of Pope Francis in January, the Police Department said today.

The new security plan includes the installation of CCTV cameras along Baseline Road in Dematagoda, Orugodawatta and in front of the Magazine Prison.

The existing CCTV systems from old Parliament Circle to Gale Face Green Circle were to be upgraded, the Police said.

The installation of new CCTV cameras and the upgrade of existing cameras would allow the entire city to be monitored, Police Spokesman SSP Ajith Rohana said.

Special attention would be paid to traffic on Baseline Road, Paliyagoda Bridge, Kelani Bridge and Orugodawatta under the project, he said.

The Rs. 9 million project is to be completed by December, he said.

In addition to this, Police emergency cars (Radio cars) in Colombo are too installed with a GPS and CCTV for better security and efficiency, SSP Rohana said.

Meanwhile, another project, estimated at Rs. 800 million would install CCTV cameras in all roads in Colombo, the Police said.

CCTV cameras were also to be installed in Anuradhapura, Galle, Kandy and Kegalle. These projects will be beginning in 2016, he said.(Darshana Sanjeewa)


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