Ex-LG heads planning new political party

Some former heads of local authorities which were administered by the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) are in the process of forming a new political party to contest the Local Government elections with the backing of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Former Gampaha Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Ranjith Gunawardane he and some others met yesterday to lay the ground plan for the new political party. He said they met Mr. Rajapaksa before their meeting.

“The Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) is on a politically downhill path after some MPs took up posts in the government. So, we have to resurrect the party by forming a new front to accommodate party cadres,” Mr. Gunawardene said.

He said the name of the party and its symbol would be announced after elections were declared. The government has said the elections would be held this year under a mix system of Proportional Representation System and the First-Past-the-Post-System.

Meanwhile, the joint opposition is also known to be throwing its weight behind the new party. Its national organizer and MP Prasanna Ranatunga said the joint opposition would consider a new political alternative at this point of time.(Kelum Bandara)


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