Hartal in Batticaloa over demarcation

A hartal was carried out in certain areas of the Batticaloa District over a proposed move to cluster certain Tamil villages with existing Muslim villages when demarcating local government wards.

Villagers in Vakarai, Kiran, Koralaipattu, and the Oddamavadi divisions are reported to come under this proposed cluster.

The protestors urged the Public Administration and Home Affairs Ministry to abandon the plan and to continue with the existing demarcation.
Meanwhile, at Sandiveli and Eravur an unidentified gang had reportedly stoned CTB buses which did not take part in the hartal.

Two buses from the Rideethanna and Valachchenai depots were damaged and two civilians injured as a result of the stoning.(M. Shukri and A.H.A. Hussain)

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