Business community stages hartal in North

The business community in the North staged a hartal today to protest against the alleged rape and killing of 18-year-old Pungudutivu Maha Vidyalaya student in Jaffna.

Shops in Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna Districts put up shutters and the businessmen joined the hartal campaign. Three wheeler operators in the Vavuniya and Jaffna districts also joined the hartal.

They urged the authorities to bring to book the individuals responsible for the dastardly crime. They pointed out that the present government that pledged to protect the rights of women should pass stringent regulations for it. They compelled the government to sentence to death the individuals responsible for the killing of the schoolgirl.

Bus services from Vavuniya to Jaffna had come to a standstill, but private bus operators in Vavuniya said bus services to the south were back to normal.  

Meanwhile, several government institutions were closed for about one hour in support of the hartal. Police and the security forces stepped up security in the area to prevent any untoward incidents. (Romesh Madusanka)

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