I am going to be a bachelor again- Mahindananda

While claiming that he is becoming a single, Sports Minister Mahindananda Aluthgamage who is currently under a cloud for allegedly threatening his estranged wife, denied allegations levelled against him.
“I have never threatened her at any point for any reason. I will always protect her because she is the mother of my two children" he said in a wide ranging interview with our sister news paper, Irida Lankadeepa
Explaining his side of the events that unfolded during the last week, Aluthgamage said the Inspector General of Police had got in touch with him upon receiving a complaint from his wife. 
“I was told that my wife had written a letter to the IGP saying her life was under threat. The IGP spoke to me after receiving that letter and told me that he had received a complaint to the effect that I was threatening my wife. I told them to meet her immediately, get a statement from her and take action against me if I am found guilty," he said.
The full interview
Q. There are allegations that you threaten your wife. Why is that? Are you trying to show your powers to a woman because you are a powerful minister?

A. I have not threatened her at any time for any reason. I always look after her and protect her because she is my two children’s mother. Therefore I will never do such a thing for any reason and I have not done so either. It is said that my wife had informed the police chief that she had death threats. The Police chief telephoned me after he received the letter and said my wife had lodged a complaint saying that I threaten her. Then I asked him to meet her immediately and record a statement and take legal action against me, if I am wrong.

Q. Are you speaking honestly?

A. Frankly. You can ask the police chief about this. The police chief had sent a DIG to her house and recorded a statement. All these happened within a week. After recording her statement, police recorded a statement from me also. What she had mentioned in her statement is that Mahinda has never threatened me.

Q. How do you know what she had told the police? You influenced the police because you are a minister.

A. I must know when a statement is recorded from me. Otherwise how can I respond to those allegations? She had said that I had not threatened her. She had said even though I had not threatened her over the phone or through another person, a complaint was made fearing that such a thing might happen. Then the police had asked whether she needed police security. She had rejected it. Still she uses the driver paid by and my servants are still there in her house. I protect her. I shall never do any harm to her even in the future because she is the mother of my two children.

Q. You must have showed your power at least indirectly because you are minister.

A. Her self-conscious may know it. I have not done any sort of influencing or got anyone to do so as well.

Q. You must have instructed the police what to ask and how to record the statement?

A. However much the IGP interrogates my wife, she is a clever woman. The Police cannot get  answers from her the way they wish.  She gives statements as she wants. If such an influence had been done, it would have been splashed in the media by those who are waiting to sling mud at me.

Q. Are you single now?

A. I am becoming a single.

Q. Are you going to marry again?

A. I have no such idea right now.

Q. How are your two kids?

A. My two kids are receiving education really well. They are very cautious about all these challenges. My son is following an engineering course at the South Wales University in England. He reads and watches what is published in the media here. He advises me also by reading and watching all these. He is doing his education successfully. My daughter is studying in grade 8 amidst all these challenges. She has scored the highest marks at the term test this year. My children have realized these problems since those days. I am glad that I have achieved to get everything done without hampering their education. They know who their farther is.

Q. Do you influence your children?

A. Whatever problems we have between us, we are together when it comes to children’s matters and we take decisions together. Both of us are the same.

Q. It is alleged that you have earned money in unjustifiable ways. How did you amass an asset like this?

A. Mahindananda is someone who stood against corruption. Even the UNP had said in parliament that Mahindananda was not a thief. Why is Mahindananda attacked?

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