Imminent arrest of MR regime bigwigs

Cabinet spokesman and Minister Rajitha Senaratne today said a number of high and mighty in the Mahinda Rajapaksa administration are to be arrested by the law enforcement authorities soon, as inquiries on cases of corruption, embezzlement, crime and misrule allegedly committed with their direct involvement have been concluded.

There will be a few arrests of those who have allegedly involved in the assassination of several journalists after 2010, Minister Senaratne said.

“These are the people who contributed to the downfall of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The few in the cabinet who talked and acted against those misdeeds and crimes including me repeatedly warned President Rajapaksa on the dangers of ignoring these wrongdoings and he never listened and perished ultimately,” Minister Senaratne said.

He said the CID, the Bribery Commission, PRECIFAC (Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Certain Acts of Frauds, Corruption and Abuse of Power, State Resources and Privileges) and the FCID (Financial Crimes Investigation Division) had concluded inquiries on many allegations against certain leading politicians and top officials served under last regime and sent the report to the Attorney General for necessary action.

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