Indian engineers for railway work

More than 200 engineers, technicians and supervisors from India would be employed on the three northern railway projects, officials said today.

The projects are implemented under financial assistance from the government of India. Already 20 Indians had been mobilized in Medawachchiya along with construction equipment to carry out the work on the railway lines from Medawachchiya to Madhu, and from there to Mannar.  

IRCON International Limited, a company of the Ministry of Railways in India, has been given the contract to construct the railway lines destroyed due to the war. Company’s General Manager of S.L. Gupta told Daily Mirror that the work was in full swing, and the formal work would begin by March 15.  Mr. Gupta said that an equal number of similar officials would be recruited for the project from Sri Lanka. Besides, he said that only Sri Lankans would be employed as labourers. (Kelum Bandara)

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