Video: JHU goes to IRD against Gamini Senarath

The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) today submitted a file to the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) against former President’s Chief of Staff Gamini Senarath on alleged frauds committed by him.

JHU National Organiser Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe said the IRD Commissioner General Wasanthi Manchanayake had assured them that she would inform the JHU within a month after going through the allegations.

Mr. Warnasinghe said based on their findings it was evident that Mr. Senarath could not have accrued a large amount of wealth by legal means during a short period of time.

“We requested the Department to look into whether Mr. Senarath had earned money by legal means adhering to three, four and five sections of the Inland Revenue Act No. 10 published in 2006, to find if he had submitted reports on his income and to find out whether the taxes and fines were imposed if he had earned income illegally,” he said.

He alleged Mr. Senarath of acquiring money in large amounts from various groups and places including casino owners, Chinese nationals, the Temple Trees and many other places.

He also alleged Mr. Senarath of his involvement in a number of land and property scams.

“The government should strengthen the authorities to take action against culprits. It should expedite action and probe offenders,” Mr. Warnasinghe said.(Lahiru Pothmulla)   


Pix by Kushan Pathiraja

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