JVP suspicious about aid efforts

The JVP today expressed its suspicion as to what happened to the massive quantities of aid delivered by various local and international donors for the benefit of people affected by the recent floods. 

Addressing a press conference, JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva said that the government received 29 lorry loads of aid from the World Food Programme (WFP), Rs. 3 million from China, aid materials worth Rs.2.7 million from Japan and US $ 300,000 from the US.

Mr. Silva also said that each public servant donated his or her day’s pay, and airport authorities collected one million rupees for the victims.

“India sent 25 tonnes of aid items and dry rations in two containers. Also, the UN has pledged US $ 51 million. Pakistan has donated US $ 100,000, Italy Rs.27 million and the European Union two million Euros. China has committed Rs.165 million,” he said.

However, he said that the government should explain to the country how they disbursed these money and aid for the benefit of the affected persons. (KB)

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