Khuram murder convict appeals

The first convict O.A.Lahiru Kelum in the Tangalle Resort British tourist murder case yesterday petitioned to the Court of Appeal against the Colombo High Court Judge’s  verdict of sentencing him to  twenty years rigorous imprisonment.

Four convicts including former Tangalle Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Sampath Chandrapushpa Vidanapathirana who were found guilty of killing British tourist Khuram Shaikh in December 2011 and  for raping and bruatlly assaulting his fiancee while holidaying at the tourist resort of Tangalle were sentenced by the High Court
Consequently the four convicts O.A Lahiru Kalum, U.Saman Deshapriya, Sampath Chandrapushpa Vidanapathirana and W. Prageeth Chaturanga, were sentenced to 107 years rigorous imprisonment by Colombo High Court Judge Rohini Walgama after a lengthily trial.

Two other accused M. Sarath alias Sahan, S. Prageeth Chaturanga, were acquitted from the case as the prosecution had failed to prove the charges against them beyond reasonable doubt.

Judge Rohini Walgama also ordered that the 107-year jail term be run concurrently within 20 years.

However the first convict’s Counsel aggrieved by the said order filed papers in the Court of Appeal to set aside the order of the High Court and for a revision of the judge’s order.(T .Farook Thajudeen)

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