Monk threatens self immolation

A Buddhist monk today warned of self immolation unless UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon withdrew his advisory panel report that has called for an investigation in to alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka.

Reverend Aththadassi, the chief of the Bodirukkaramaya in the southern town of Matara, made the statement following a street protest this morning.

"Over 5000 people participated in the protest demonstration against the UN report. Some of them signed the public petition in blood including Reverend Aththadassi. He said he would set himself on fire if Moon took no action to withdraw the report," said Aruna Gunarathna, a ruling party politician in Matara.

The Matara public had joined the public petition signing against the three member UN panel report which called

for the setting up of a war crimes investigation inquiry into the last stages of the military conflict with the LTTE, which ended two years ago.  (Agencies )

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