MR offers services of SL doctor to cure Chavez

President Mahinda Rajapaksa while sending his good wishes to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who is currently recovering at a hospital in Cuba after cancer surgery, has offered the expertise of a Sri Lanka doctor.

“I wish to offer to your Excellency the expertise of a doctor from my country who, I believe, will be significantly instrumental in the early restoration of your good health,” the President said.

The full letter is as follows:

His Excellency Hugo Chavez
President of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela


I have learnt that you are currently undergoing medical treatment in the Republic of Cuba and wish to convey my sincere good wishes for your early recovery.

While the prayers and good wishes of the people of Venezuela and those of your friends throughout the world, including Sri Lanka, will undoubtedly aid your speedy recovery, I wish to offer to your Excellency the expertise of a doctor from my country who, I believe, will be significantly instrumental in the early restoration of your good health.

In the meantime, the Government and people of Sri Lanka join me in continuing to hope and pray for your Excellency’s well-being.
Please accept Excellency, assurances of my highest consideration.

Mahinda Rajapaksa
President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

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