Govt. concerned over ‘misplaced’ UN statement

The Government had expressed its concern over the recent remarks of the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General of the United Nations recalling the Secretary-General’s call to the Government to ensure that the forthcoming Presidential elections were peaceful and inclusive, a media release said today.

“The Government of Sri Lanka notes with concern the recent remarks by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General of the United Nations recalling the Secretary-General’s call to the Government to ensure that the forthcoming Presidential elections are peaceful and inclusive.

Issuing the statement the External Affairs Ministry said that the spokesperson’s comments were gratuitous and inappropriate.

“Sri Lanka has a vibrant tradition of democratic practice since 1931 and has been conducting elections at regular intervals, in a peaceful and orderly manner, while the electorate has continued to cast their vote freely, in large numbers.”

“In keeping with this decades-old tradition, the Presidential Election of 2015 too is being held in a peaceful and orderly manner. The inclusiveness of the elections is guaranteed for all Sri Lankans and all minorities are equally facilitated to actively participate in the election process and exercise their franchise.”

“The Commissioner of Elections is an independent authority, and as mandated, has guaranteed that the elections would be held in a free and fair manner. There is a large contingent of international election observers present. In this context, repeated calls for a free and fair election in Sri Lanka are misplaced,” the statement added.


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