Neranjan resigns from Kandy MC

Opposition Leader of the Kandy Municipal Council (UNP) Neranjan Wijeyeratne said today that he resigned from his post in the council to contest for Diyawadana Nilame (Chief lay Custodian) of the Sri Dalada Maligawa, Kandy.

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, he said that he had decided to withdraw from all the political activities in order to contest for the Diyawadana Nilame post.

“I tendered my resignation to the Mayor. I have served as the Opposition leader of the council for four years. I decided to contest for the Nilame post again, because of large number of requests by people asking me to contest,” Mr. Wijeyeratne said

He added that he had already met Mahanayake Theras and discussed in this regard.

He said the term of the incumbent Diyawadana Nilame would be over by July 1 and the election for the next Nilame should be held within 90 days.   

Mr. Wijeyeratne was elected as Diyawadana Nilame of the Dalada Maligawa in March 1985 and served in the post for two decades, until 2005.

He was the Basnayake Nilame (Lay Custodian) of Lankathilaka Maha Vishnu Devalaya, Kandy prior to being named the Diyawadana Nilame in 1985.

After serving two terms as the Diyawadana Nilame, he was appointed as United National Party chief organiser for the Galagedara Electorate in Kandy.(Darshana Sanjeewa)

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