New Traffic regulations on expressways

New traffic regulations are to be put in place for motorists using the new super highways and expressways, which are to be commissioned in the near future, according to highly placed police sources.

Currently the police are discussing the regulations with the Department of Motor Traffic. According to police sources the existing fines will be increased for traffic violations taking place on super highways and expressways.

A special police division will handle the traffic on the expressways that are to be set up shortly according to sources at the Police Headquarters.

According to the police a new division is required since traffic regulations on the expressways will be different from the normal traffic laws.

New regulations are now being drafted by the police for the expressways. A new division of expressway traffic is to be administered by a Deputy Inspector General (DIG) with powers vested similar to the Western Province Traffic DIG. Police officers would be recruited after undergoing special training to control expressway traffic.

Traffic policemen representing the new division were to be recruited for duty in the Southern Expressways from Kottawa in the Colombo District to Pinnaduwa area in Galle which is to be opened for transport in the near future. (Supun Dias)

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