No restrictions on Pillay visit-SL

Sri Lanka today said that it had placed no restrictions on the visit of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay and she would be free to meet with any individual or organization she wished. 
When questioned on whether she would meet with war widows and former LTTE cadres, Monitoring MP of the Ministry of External Affairs Sajin Vaas Gunawardene stated that in the course of Ms. Pillay’s meetings with civil society groups she would be free to meet with anyone she wished. 
He further stated that her agenda was pre-planned and approved by the government. “We will not place any restrictions on her visit; we see no need to do so,” Gunawardene said. 
Ms. Pillay was expected at the end of the week (25 - 30) and would tour the North and the East and meet with key members of the government and opposition and civil society leaders. (DS)

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