Missing persons: Only 7% gets info

Only seven per cent of the family members and relatives of detainees who had come to the Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) were able to obtain the information they were looking for since most of inquiries had been about detainees in military custody.

Police media spokesman Prishantha Jayakody said about 1,300 family members and relatives had come to TID offices in Vavuniya, Boosa and Colombo while the TID had also received nearly 250 calls about their loved ones in custody.

“Most of the inquiries was in connection with detainees in custody and freed by the military. The TID has information only about detainees held and freed by them,” SP Jayakoky said.

It had been alleged that the Vavuniya TID office failed to provide information about all suspects who had been detained over charges of involvement in terrorist activities. Some inquiries had also been made about missing persons.

TID said information on detainees would be only given to to close relatives and not to any other individual or organization. (SD)

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