Opp. members of the PSC reject report

Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) member and UNP Parliamentarian Lakshman Kriella said they reject the PSC report submitted to parliament this morning by Committee Chairman, Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa.

He siad that the submission of the report should be hailed as a world record due to the swiftness of the committee proceedings.

"We, as members of the PSC were given documents on the December 5, while CJ Shirani Bandaranayake was given documents that comprised of nearly 1000 pages on December 6 and was asked to return the next day with a prepared defense. On December 5, we were only given a list of documents and there was no mention of a list of witnesses despite repeated calls by us for one. Suddenly the PSC, without the opposition members and the Chief Justice, had come to its own conclusion and submitted a report today which speaks of bias. It was submitted in record speed baffling any rational thinking citizen. We reject the report and the proceedings in its entirety" he said.

Kiriella also said that it was clear from the start of the proceedings of the PSC that the government was on a witch-hunt.

" This was not an inquiry it was an inquisition. It was obvious that the government was on witch-hunt against the Chief Justice right from the beginning. We couldn't speak about this as members of the PSC which is why we decided to walk out of it and tell the country what really was taking place" he said.

Meanwhile, PSC member and JVP MP Vijitha Herath also expressing his views said, he believes the entire process was biased against the Chief Justice and did not conform to even the basic tenets of a fair and impartial inquiry.

“This is why we all put forward certain conditions in order to ensure that the process and mechanism is free and fair. However it was not to be so. It was a one-sided affair where the complainant was the judge and the jury all in one," Herath said adding, the process was fast forwarded to suit the expectations of the government and it was beyond belief as to how such conclusions were reached.

Herath called on the citizens of the country including professionals from all strata to rally against this draconian decision, in order to safe guard democracy, rule of law and the independence of the judiciary of this country.

“ All three tenets of a basic civilized society were violated through this process and this is an indictment on the citizens of this country. Therefore we call upon all citizens of this country to agitate against this very grave and serious violation which could lead to a breakdown in civil society itself” he said. (Hafeel Farisz)

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