Over 200 judgments in a day

The Anuradhapura Magistrate yesterday cleared a massive backlog of cases when she delivered judgments in 203 cases in a day.

Magistrate Ms. Dharshika Wimalasiri convicted suspects in 55 percent of these cases while releasing the rest. Sentences were imposed on some of those convicted while sentences on others were reserved and their finger prints were ordered to be recorded.

It was reported that almost all the case files relating to these 203 cases were destroyed when the Anuradhapura Magistrate Court and the record room caught fire on January 24, this year. The magistrate had taken speedy action to order police to prepare fresh records. Starting court sittings at 11.15 am yesterday, the Magistrate had delivered judgments in these cases 203 cases till 6.30 pm.

(Susitha R. Fernando)

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