Pavitra avoids debate as House goes into holiday mood

Parliamentary proceedings came to an abrupt end at 2.25 pm today since there was no quorum in the House to carry out the day’s business.

Soon after statements made under the Standing Order 23/2 and ministerial responses, UNP MPs moved an adjournment motion on the crisis in the energy sector. Shortly after he started his speech, ruling party MP A.H.M.Azwer rose on a point of order and said there was no quorum for the day’s business to proceed.

Deputy Speaker Chandima Weerakkody rang the quorum bell five minutes. However, only 17 members arrived in the House. Since 20 members are required for the quorum, the proceedings were adjourned leaving the opposition members disappointed.

The UNP MPs charged later that the government engineered this premature adjournment of sessions since Power and Energy Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi had no answers to the serious issues confronting the energy sector.(KB & YP)

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