PM was soft on SL at UNHRC-Jayalalithaa

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa today blamed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for the watered down US resolution at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) against Sri Lanka last year.
Replying to a debate in the assembly, she said: “Last year, the US brought a strong resolution against Sri Lanka. The Indian government voted in favour of the resolution at my continued insistence.”
In support of her charge, Jayalalithaa said Manmohan Singh wrote to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa later: “You … would be aware that we spared no effort and were successful in introducing an element of balance in the language of the resolution.”
She said while the Sri Lankan government did not take any action even on the “watered down resolution, there is information that the US is bringing another resolution” against the island nation this year.
In the interests of Sri Lankan Tamils, the Indian government, based on the resolution passed by state assembly, should table a resolution on Sri Lanka at the UN and get it passed, Jayalalithaa added.
Blasting the “careless attitude” of the Indian government vis-a-vis Indian fishermen who she said were attacked by the Sri Lankan Navy, she urged the central government to take up the issue with Colombo.(IANS)

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