Police investigating assault on Malaka

Police Headquarters noted that there is an ongoing investigation on the assault on Malaka Silva- son of Minister Mervyn Silva by twelve men even there is no complaint lodged by their party.

The Colombo Crime Division (CCD) and the Cinnamon Garden police are investigating into the attack on Malaka.

“When we receive ‘first hand information’ we go to the scene soon as possible and start our investigations,” police spokesman Buddhika Siriwardena said.

“That is what the police will do. But when we have received first information from public even there is no complaint we start our investigations,” he said.

“We still do not know the people who are involved in this,” SP Siriwardena added.

Investigators have recorded statements from the eyewitnesses and now in the process of examining the CCTV camera footages as well.

However in the aftermath of the incident Minister Silva told the media that he will resolve the case in his own way.

The police emergency received a 119 call from an eyewitness to the incident which took place on Monday evening. He got admitted to the Nawaloka Hospital. He had a tiny cut near his right eye due to the brawl.

Minister Mervyn Silva charged that the 12 men had attempted to abduct his son and he does not know why they did that.(Supun Dias)

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