Polls chief vows to take tough stand

Elections Commissioner Mahinda Desapriya today guaranteed  political party representatives and election monitors that he would take steps to annul or postpone polls if the abuse of state resources and other malpractice continued.

The abuse of state resources, unlawful cut-outs and posters and inter party and intra party violence were among the key issues brought to his notice by representatives of various political parties.

PAFFREL Executive Director Rohana Hettiarachchi who participated in the meeting said the Commissioner, during the meeting, ordered his officials and the police to remove all unlawful cut-outs by noon today.

The Commissioner also told the meeting that he had earlier instructed the heads of the state institutions not to allow anyone to use their resources for electioneering. Yet, he noted that he had no power to do anything under the present law if anyone ignored his instructions in this regard.

However, Mr. Hettiarachchi quoted Mr. Desapriya as having told the meeting, that he (Mr. Desapriya) would annul the poll if the violation of election laws continued unabated even till the day of polling.

The Commissioner cited the Wilgamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha area as the place gripped most by intra-party election violence.

For the first time, he informed the meeting that political party representatives present at counting centres would be given certificates as proof.

“Otherwise, political party representatives make allegations that they are not allowed to be present at counting centres. That is why, we decided to issue certificates to them,” the Commissioner told the meeting.

The candidates in the fray are required to close their offices put up to conduct propaganda activities,  July 20. (KB)

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