Re-think on certain tax proposals

In the wake of widespread protests over some of the budgetary proposals such as the increase in the fees for vehicle emission tests, the government is contemplating amending the charges during the Budget debate, Daily Mirror learns.

The Budget proposed to increase the charge for the vehicle emission test to Rs. 5000. As a result of protests from several quarters the government is now planning to introduce ‘a congestion charge' from motorists.

Professionals have also protested against proposal to do away with vehicle permits granted to them and according to government sources, attention is now being paid to reconsider this proposal. Amendments are also being considered for the proposed tax hike on electric cars and the introduction of the Nation Building Tax.

“In the Prime Minister’s policy statement to Parliament, he had proposed to increase the proportion of direct taxes in comparison to indirect taxes. It means the contribution to government revenue from income and corporate taxes. But, this policy is not reflected in the budgetary proposals,” a source said.

The budget debate is currently underway in Parliament. It will end on December 19. Meanwhile, paddy cultivators are protesting over the Budget proposal to restrict the fertilizer subsidy. (Kelum Bandara)


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