Rehabilitation in final stages

Another batch of 150 rehabilitated LTTE cadres who are in their early twenties are to be released into society on Friday in Vavuniya, Commissioner General of Rehabilitation Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe said.

Presently the cadres in the rehabilitation process are undergoing a final test in mason skills, handicraft work and paintings.

The rehabilitated cadres have been given vocational, language and communication training to improve their skills and their educational knowledge.

Though there had been 24 rehabilitation centres for ex-LTTE combatants at the inception, there are only nine rehabilitation centres at present Major General Ranasinghe said. 

According to the Commissioner General so far 7969 out of 11,700 surrendered LTTE cadres, have been released and further 2879, are being rehabilitated in camps. A sum of Rs.750 million has been allocated for the rehabilitation process for this year. (By Supun Dias)

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